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Trefonen CE Primary School

Learning in love, growing in faith.

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Nightingales Class



Health & Well-being

Key Themes: Mental well-being, Staying Safe (including risk management and first aid), Relationships and Health Education (RHE).


Strand 1: Healthy Lifestyles (physical well-being):

By the end of this strand  children should know:


  • what keeping healthy means; different ways to keep healthy (H1)
  • what foods that support good health and the risks of eating too much sugar (H2)
  • how physical activity helps us to stay healthy; and ways to be physically active every day (H3)
  • why sleep is important and different ways to rest and relax (H4)
  • simple hygiene routines that can stop germs from spreading (H5)
  • that medicines (including vaccinations and immunisations and those that support allergic reactions) can help people to stay healthy (H6)
  • about dental care and visiting the dentist; how to brush teeth correctly; food and drink that support dental health (H7)
  • the importance of knowing when to take a break from time online or TV (H9b)


Strand 2 - Mental Well-being & Healthy Eating

By the end of this strand children should know:


  • about different feelings that humans can experience (H11)
  • how to recognise and name different feelings (H12)
  • how feelings can affect people’s bodies and how they behave (H13)
  • how to recognise what others might be feeling (H14)
  • how to recognise that not everyone feels the same at the same time, or feels the same about the same things (H15)
  • different things they can do to manage big feelings, to help calm themselves down and/or change their mood when they don’t feel good (H18)
  • how to recognise when they need help with feelings; that it is important to ask for help with feelings; and how to ask for it (H19)
  • about change and loss (including death); to identify feelings associated with this; to recognise what helps people to feel better (H20)


Strand 3: Ourselves, Growing & Changing

By the end of this strand children should know:


  • some of the ways in which we are all unique (H22)
  • how to manage when finding things difficult (H24)
  • how to name the main parts of the body including external genitalia (e.g. vulva, vagina, penis, testicles) (H25)
  • about growing and changing from young to old and how people’s needs change (H26)


Strand 4: Keeping Safe (including medicine & first aid)

By the end of this strand children should know:


  • about rules and age restrictions that keep us safe (H28)
  • how to recognise risk in simple everyday situations and what action to take to minimise harm (H29)
  • about how to keep safe at home (including around electrical appliances) and fire safety (e.g. not playing with matches and lighters) (H30)
  • that household products (including medicines) can be harmful if not used correctly (H31)
  • some ways to keep safe in familiar and unfamiliar environments (e.g. beach, shopping centre, park, swimming pool, on the street) and how to cross the road safely (H32)
  • basic rules to keep safe online, including what is meant by personal information and what should be kept private; the importance of telling a trusted adult if they come across something that scares them (H34)
  • about what to do if there is an accident and someone is hurt (H35)
  • how to get help in an emergency (how to dial 999 and what to say) (H36)
  • about rules and age restrictions that keep us safe (H28)
  • how to recognise risk in simple everyday situations and what action to take to minimise harm (H29)
  • about how to keep safe at home (including around electrical appliances) and fire safety (e.g. not playing with matches and lighters) (H30)
  • that household products (including medicines) can be harmful if not used correctly (H31)
  • some ways to keep safe in familiar and unfamiliar environments (e.g. beach, shopping centre, park, swimming pool, on the street) and how to cross the road safely (H32)
  • basic rules to keep safe online, including what is meant by personal information and what should be kept private; the importance of telling a trusted adult if they come across something that scares them (H34)
  • about what to do if there is an accident and someone is hurt (H35)
  • how to get help in an emergency (how to dial 999 and what to say) (H36)



Strand 5: Keeping Safe_ Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

By the end of this strand children should know:


  • about things that people can put into their body or on their skin and how these can affect how people feel (H37)




Healthy, Food / Food groups, Physical Activity, Sleep, Relax, Hygiene, Germs, Medicine, Vaccination, Immunisation, Allergy / Allergic, Dentist / Dental, Protection, Damage / Risk / Harm, On-line / Off-line

Feelings / Mood, Change / loss /death.


Genitalia: Vulva, Vagina, Penis, Testicles.

Rules, Safety, Environment, Familiar / Unfamiliar, Road safety, Personal information, Private, Trusted Adult, Accident, Emergency.

Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco.



