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Trefonen CE Primary School

Learning in love, growing in faith.

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Nightingales Class

Pupils in Nightingales Class will learn about:

  • Important historical events: The Great Fire of London, The Bristol Bus Boycott,
  • Important historical people: Sarah Forbes Bonetta, Rosa Parks, & Walter Tull
  • Important events beyond their living memory: Exporers or Exploiters?
  • Local history study – Chirk Castle


They will also be taught about chronology, historical vocabulary and ideas, historical facts, important historical ideas and how to use information to find out about the past (historical enquiry)



Children will:

  • develop their understanding of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time
  • know where the people and events they learn about fit within a timeline (chronological framework)
  • identify similarities and differences between the ways of life in different periods.


Vocabulary and Ideas (Concepts)

Children will

  • use a wide variety of everyday historical words.


Facts and Significant Events

Children will learn about:

  • changes within their living memory, including changes that help them to understand how life in the United Kingdom has changed over time
  • events beyond their living memory that are important nationally or globally
  • important historical events, people and places that have taken place within our local area (Trefonen and Shropshire).
  • the lives of important people in the past who have helped with national and international achievements,
  • comparing aspects of life in different periods


Historical Enquiry

Children will learn :

  • how to ask and answer questions, choosing and using parts of stories and other sources to show that they know and understand  the most important parts
  • about some of the ways in which we find out about the past
  • How to spot the different ways in which we find our about history 