Wrens Class
Children in Wrens Class will study history topics on a two year cycle.
Cycle A (Red)
Children will learn about:
- Egypt ( ancient civilization)
- The Elizabethans ( British History beyond 1066),
- What it was like to live in Trefonen in Victorian times (local history).
Cycle B (Blue)
Children will learn about
- Ancient British civilizations by studying the changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age.
- The achievements of the Ancient Sumerians as an early civilization.
- The Maya and investigate how Mayan history contrasts with British History (contrasting British history with non-European Society).
In studying their history topics children will learn:
- why some facts and events are especially important (significance)
- how to place events within historical timelines (chronology)
- important historical vocabulary and ideas (concepts).
- why some things changed and other things stayed the same (continuity and change)
- why some things happened and what other things happened as a result (cause and consequence).
- what was the same and what was different (similarities and differences).
They will investigate:
- different arguments and interpretations of history using sources and evidence (historical interpretation).
- how information from the past helps us to understand the world today (historical perspective).
Children will continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge of history, establishing clear narratives within and across periods studied, and noting connections, contrasts and trends over time. They will develop their use of historical terms. They will have opportunities to address and sometimes devise historically valid questions. They will be helped to understand how knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources, construct informed responses by selecting and organising relevant historical information and understand that different versions of the past may exist, giving some reasons for this.