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Trefonen CE Primary School

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Mathematics at Trefonen CE Primary School

Mathematics at Trefonen CE Primary School

Intent - Our vision for Mathematics

We study maths every day, in every class.


We are committed to delivering a high quality; broad and balanced curriculum in Mathematics, from Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 6. We understand that Mathematics is an integral part of the curriculum. It enables understanding of the world and we want to develop that deep, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. We are proud to be part of the NCETM (National Centre of Excellence in Teaching Maths) Mastery Hub. 


We believe in raising the attainment of all pupils, with a curriculum that is designed to spark curiosity and excitement, while nurturing confidence in Mathematics. 


Our maths curriculum is built around our children and it reflects their needs, whilst retaining structure and carefully planned progression. It involves taking small steps to develop and embed understanding of a concept, for all pupils.


We understand that fluency is highly connected to reasoning and problem solving. Thus we ensure that fluency is nurtured through number facts, procedures and quick recall; whilst encouraging mathematical thinking through: reasoning, proving, describing, discussion, reflection and linking mathematical concepts. In simple terms, this is knowing what to do and why to do it: procedural and conceptual knowledge.


We want to ensure that our Mathematics curriculum 'helps pupils to gain enjoyment through a growing self-confidence in their ability'. Ofsted Mathematics Review

Times Tables Rock stars                 

Implementation - How we make our vision reality

We have adopted a ‘mastery’ approach teaching maths across the whole school. This means pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure, and adaptable understanding of the subject. 


This approach recognises the value of developing the power to think, understand and reason. Children are taught the same concept in their year and the expectation is that all children can succeed (see the Year group 'Programmes of Study' below). Some children may need extra strengthening teaching, whilst others are encouraged to deepen their understanding. The whole class journey of a concept is broken down into small steps of learning. This helps children build secure foundations, which they can build upon and make connections to other areas of maths, ensuring deep mathematical understanding.


At Trefonen, the NCETM Hub PD and 5 Big Ideas (see link below) resources help us plan the curriculum to meet the needs of our classes. We use Power Maths, a DFE approved resource, as the foundation for our plans, with engaging and clearly sequenced progression of learning. An important part of this are the 'Growth Mindset' Characters: Flo, Dexter, Ash and Astrid; teaching children about resilience, curiosity and determination. (Find out more about the characters below in the Presentation for Parents.)


Big Maths sessions in KS1 and KS2 help us to revisit learning regularly, so pupils can recall their knowledge and make links. This supports retrieval practice, which is embedded within our curriculum design.


We also use Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots, which are fun and engaging online resources for pupils to access at home and at school. 


In Early Years Foundation Stage, pupils take part in an NCETM Mastering Number programme, linked to NumberBlocks and also use Power Maths journals, both supporting their Early Learning Goals.


Year 6 pupils work on a bespoke programme, combining: Power maths, Maths Watch and, to support their retrieval practice and conceptual application. They also have the opportunity to participate in an additional Maths Club, tailored to their needs and delivered by experienced teachers.


The subject of Mathematics retains its high profile throughout the year, with pupils accessing STEM activities in local secondary schools; 'Maths Week' challenges, TTRS competitions and Local/national business workshops such as Nationwide and Barclays.

Meet the Growth Mindset Characters
