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Trefonen CE Primary School

Learning in love, growing in faith.

Get in touch

Robins Class

Early Years/KS1 – Robins (Reception/Year1)

Hello and welcome to the Robins Class.

Here you will find information about the class and our learning each term.

We will also add photos of our learning adventures to the gallery at the bottom of the page throughout the year. General Enquiries:


Mrs Jan Roberts and Mrs Geran - Class Teachers

Miss Jade Delooze - Teaching Assistant

PE Days - Monday and Wednesday

Welcome to the Robins Class

Look how busy we have been!

Robins Termly Curriculum - Spring 2023

Robins Termly Curriculum Overview - Autumn 2022

Snow Days Remote Learning Plan March 2023

Robins Phonics and Reading

Articulation of Phonemes

Robins Handwriting

Robins Maths

Early Years Information

Outdoor Space

Toileting Support

The Public Health Nursing Service have developed a video called Toileting Support Session which teaches children how to wipe their bottoms.  This was made following a number  of referrals from primary schools.  


See below for the link to this video:




Internet Safety
