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Trefonen CE Primary School

Learning in love, growing in faith.

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Physical Education (PE)

For further information about PE and School Sport and Sports Premium in our school please follow the link below.

Physical Education at Trefonen CE Primary

Physical Education

Physical Education in a safe and supportive environment is a vital and unique contributor to a pupil’s physical and emotional health, development and well-being.


Our P.E and school sport programme aims to provide for pupils’ increasing self-confidence, through an ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. P.E and school sport helps pupils to cope with success and failure in competitive and co-operative physical activities. It also contributes to the development of interpersonal skills and links between our school and other schools. We promote a culture that encourages all children to be active, enjoy PE and sport and develop the competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.


We intend that pupils leaving our school are physically literate with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for healthy lifestyles and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. We foster the aspirations of future Olympians and Paralympians and encourage pupils to love sport and exercise for a lifetime.


In addition to our core PE provision, we aim for our pupils to be as active as possible at other times. Pupils take part in regular movement breaks including The Daily Mile and are given opportunities to experience a range of activities such as cycling, balance bikes, skateboarding and visiting active workshops such as dance.
