Year 2
Children will experience a range of high-quality texts including fiction, non-fiction and poetry promoting curiosity and engagement whilst providing opportunity to write in role. The Literacy Curriculum planning sequences are used to ensure that National Curriculum requirements are embedded, making the grammar purposeful. There are always a mixture of shorter, longer and extended writing outcomes where the audience and purpose is clear and exciting for children.
In reading, work from earlier years is developed, with increasing fluency a focus. Children are taught to use a range of strategies to read texts with accuracy, understanding and expression. They learn retrieve information when answering questions on these texts. In writing, they continue to develop the skill of composing sentences orally before writing. Children will learn to use different types of sentences, multiple tenses and to use more complex suffixes. They are encouraged to make additions, revisions and corrections to their writing. Spelling sessions focus on continuing to develop a secure phonic knowledge, whilst applying new spelling rules. They will start using apostrophes in their writing.
Handwriting - Penpals
- sit correctly at a table, holding a pencil comfortably and correctly
- form lowercase letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right place
- form capital letters
- form digits 0–9 correctly
- use appropriate spaces between words.
- form lowercase and capital letters at the right size relative to one another
- start to use diagonal and horizontal strokes to join letters