The Trefonen School Governing Body is currently ten governors, made up of members of the community, local authority representatives, parents, staff and representatives of the Church of England (Foundation Governors).
Governors serve for four years upon their election to the governing board. Incumbent members of the governing Board include the Head teacher and Vicar, who serve until the end of their post.
All of Trefonen Governors serve as members of our school’s two core committees:
- Standards and Curriculum Committee (SCC – This includes Curriculum, Special Educational Needs and Safeguarding)
- Strategy Planning and Resources Committee (SPR – this includes: Finance, Human Resources, Premises, Health & Safety).
- Governors representing the school’s Church of England foundation also serve on the Foundation Governors’ Group (FGG)
| Role | Date Appointed | End of Term of Office | Governor Designation | Governor Role | Link Governor Responsibility / Special Interest | Business & Pecuniary Interests | Relationship with other governors or staff | Attendance Record (to be completed at the end of the academic year) |
| Julia Bioletti |
| Clerk | Governors’ Clerk |
| Parent |
1 | Malcom Kirk | 22/10/2021 | 21/10/2025 | Community | Chair of Governors | PE & Sports H&S, Safeguarding | NIL |
2 | Vacant |
| Local Authority |
3 | Peter Walpole | 27/01/2023 | 26/01/2027 | Community | Governor | EYFS Premises, H&S and Maths | NIL |
4 | Joshua Cockburn | 27/01/2022 | 26/01/2026 | Parent | Governor | English (Reading, Writing, Spelling & Grammar) | NIL |
5 | Vacancy | Church is currently in a vacancy (Interregnum) |
| Foundation | Governor |
6 | Emily Armstrong | 27/01/2022 | 26/01/2026 | Parent | Governor | Special Educational Needs Wellbeing and Mental Health | Nil |
7 | Vacancy |
| Foundation | Governor |
| NIL | ||
10 |
| Parent | Governor |
| NIL |
| |
11 |
| Parent | Governor |
12 | Cathy Dunleavy | 01/09/2008 | Until end of post | Staff | Headteacher – Incumbent Governor | School Leadership Team (SLT) | Nil |
13 | Naomi Phillips | 22/09/2022 | 23/09/2026 | Staff | Governor | Deputy Head – Staff Liaison School Leadership Team (SLT) | Nil |
If you wish to contact a Trefonen School Governor, you should do so in writing via the School Office marked for their attention. You should not attempt to contact a School Governor by direct conversation, email or private phone calls. Any requests, using those methods will be referred back to the school office. Thank you.