Wrens Class
As well as learning phonics to enable them to read and pronounce words more confidently and accurately, children will also study French grammar. The children will recognise some common French verbs/activities and use these verbs to convey meaning in English by matching them to their appropriate picture. The children will focus on 'Je peux...' which means 'I can...'
In Wrens children will learn key vocabulary alongside appropriate phonetical knowledge.
The unit on greetings enable them to say ‘hello’ (formally and informally), introduce themselves, ask how somebody is feeling and give a reply. as well as saying ‘goodbye’ and ‘see you soon’.
Numbers and colours will be taught and, by the end of the unit, children will be expected to name and recognise up to ten colours and count from 1-10 in French.
The children will be introduced to ten animals in French and be able to match the new French words to the appropriate pictures, they will be expected to remember the words for at least five animals in French unaided, and attempt to spell at least three animals correctly in French.
The children will be able to name and recognise up to 10 fruits, in French, as well as attempting to spell some of these nouns. They will be able to ask somebody, in French, if they like a particular fruit and share the fruits they like and dislike.