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Trefonen CE Primary School

Learning in love, growing in faith.

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Safer Schools

Safer Schools 2024

Mr Ian Bartlett looked at our temporary security 'fencing' on School Lane and the new gate installed for access for Robins Class.

We continue to offer Bikeability training for all years as well as the 'Stepping Out' programme to increase the understanding of the need for road safety awareness.


Safer Schools 2023


We had another useful meeting with Mr Ian Bartlett our Safer Schools Officer. We discussed plans for changing the access for Robins Class from the Church path lower down on School Lane to adding a gate opposite the KS1 gate further up on School Lane, with a view to having some security fencing installed infront of the access and a tarmac path from the entrance of the Village Hall carp park to the gates. This will take some time (and money) to complete.

Safer Schools 

We are proud of the work we do to ensure our children are kept safe.  We work closely with Shropshire Council and the Police to promote the Safer Schools Scheme.  


Following a challenging 18 months of Covid, Miss Dunleavy, governors, staff, pupils, the Police and Shropshire Council, recently held a fresh and enthusiastic Safer Schools meeting.  This is a school safety/security initiative and Trefonen CE Primary School was accredited a Safer School in 2007.  At the meeting, we reviewed the security/safety measures, updated an action plan and reviewed the incident recording. It was good to hear that there had been no recorded incidents since the previous meeting.  Part of the Safer School process involves gathering feedback from the whole school community and this is planned for the next meeting.  It was a really positive meeting with good contribution from all and especially the pupils.  The meeting concluded with planning a future meeting in 2022.  Excellent work!


Ian Bartlett, Crime Prevention Officer Shropshire Council


Safer Schools Survey/Questionnaire


As an annual part of the Safer Schools initiative, our school undertakes an annual survey asking parents/carers, their opinions of the safety of our school site/grounds.


The survey can be downloaded from the link below.  We would greatly appreciate your comments.  


Any completed surveys can be sent to, or can be sent in with your child.


Thank you,


Our Safer School Team.

Safer Schools Survey Summer 2022
