Puffins Class
The children develop their P.E. skills through gymnastics, games, dance, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activity and swimming.
In gymnastics lessons pupils create sequences that have changes of speed and level. They create and perform sequences of rolls, jumps and balances. They select the most appropriate ways to travel from one balance to another. They develop their ability to perform actions in and out of rolls. Dances are created and performed both individually and in small groups.
In games pupils develop their use a range of attacking and defending skills when playing a team game such as tag rugby or football. They learn skills needed to be successful in net games and develop their accuracy when playing mini games. In the summer term children develop their understanding of small sided striking and fielding games and refine their skills when throwing, catching and hitting a ball.
In dance children develop their ability to perform dance actions with increased control and expression. They develop their ideas and dance steps into longer routines from memory adding expression and extension to their movements.
Outdoor and adventurous
Activities include orienteering, both on and off the school grounds and on a fixed local course, archery and canoeing.
Pupils continue to develop their personal best in a range of activities including short and long distance running, throwing and jumping.
Pupils receive swimming tuition in the summer term. Children develop their technique when using a range of strokes, e.g. front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke. Pupils are expected to be able to swim at least Swimming 25m without stopping using a consistent stroke by the end of Year 6. Children also learn different self-rescue actions. e.g. using a buoyancy aid, treading water, the HELP position etc.