Wrens Class
Key projects, knowledge and concepts covered in Wrens class include:
Mechanical systems-Levers and linkages
Key learning
- Generate realistic ideas and use annotated sketches and prototypes to develop, model and communicate ideas
- Select and use tools with some accuracy to cut, shape and join paper and card
- Investigate and analyse their own and others' products with lever and linkage mechanisms
- Understand and use lever and linkages, and fixed and loose pivots
Electrical systems-Simple programming and control
Key learning
- Gather information and develop and communicate realistic design ideas using annotated sketches and prototypes
- Connect simple electrical components in a series circuit and program an interface to enhance the way the product works
- Investigate and analyse a range of powered products, including programmed, and evaluate their own products and design criteria
- Understand and use computing to program and control products with electrical systems
Structures-Shell structures using computer-aided design (CAD)
Key learning
- Generate ideas and designs, developing them through analysis of shell structures and use CAD to model and communicate ideas
- Plan the making and use appropriate tools and software, explaining their choices. Use computer-generated finishing techniques
- Evaluate shell structures and their own products
- Develop knowledge of nets of cubes and cuboids and more complex 3D shapes and how to construct strong, stiff shell structures
Textiles-2D and 3D product
Key learning
- Generate design criteria for an appealing, functional product for specific users
- Produce annotated sketches, prototypes, final product sketches and pattern places
- Select fabrics and fastenings according to their functional characteristics
- Investigate a range of 3D textiles products
- Test their product against the original criteria and the intended user
Food-Healthy and varied diet
Key learning
- Generate ideas and develop design criteria for an appealing product for a user and a purpose
- Plan the main stages of a recipe, listing ingredients, utensils and equipment
- Select from a range of ingredients to make appropriate food products
- Carry out and record evaluations of a variety of ingredients and products
- Know a range of appropriate ingredients, and whether they are grown, reared or caught